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In a preparedness lifestyle, preparing beyond your storage food is essential. With today’s economy and food borne illnesses a very real possibility, many people are wisely turning to backyard gardening to help with their food supply. For some families it has...
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Do you have The Preparedness Mindset? Maybe you’ve had people say something like this to you: “You just think everybody is out to get you.” “You’re all a bunch of camo-wearing kooks.” “My faith will save me, I don’t need to prepare like that.”...
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Before there was refrigeration, meat was cured by various methods to preserve it for future consumption. When supplies were available, meats were soaked in brine consisting of heavily salted water and could also have included other seasonings to add a variety of...
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We have all made mistakes that we regret. But what matters is that we learn from them and ensure that they are never repeated again. This approach applies to bartering as well. However, the repercussions of making a mistake in this sector can affect an investor pretty...
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The Zika Virus, Natural Mosquito Repellent & Bite Remedies Mosquitoes and Mankind Guest Blog Post by: PREPARE Magazine Author – Snake Blocker of Blocker Academy Mosquitoes, they are not going away. You either live in an area where mosquitoes live like kings...