What Concerns You Most?

| Blog | 5 comments


We just launched the second issue of PREPARE Magazine. If you have not subscribed, we invite you to register today for a complimentary annual subscription. Our hope is that we might help encourage, empower and enrich your Preparation Journey.

As we continue to move closer to our “official launch” of PREPARE Magazine, we are very interested in hearing from people on ways we might be able to better serve. Please join the community conversation, and share your input.

The need to PREPARE continues to dominate conversations all over the Country. Even the US Government (including the Department of Homeland Security) is actively urging people to Prepare for difficulties that may lie ahead.

While we believe it is vitally important that we prepare, we want to be careful that we are not heavy-burdened with fears. With PREPARE Magazine we want to provide training and resources to help you in your journey. Can you please offer your assistance in sharing some of your concerns? By sharing, you help us help others.

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  1. Rhonda

    I thought I had subscribed for one month free issue of Prepare Magazine, however, when I rec’d notice the June issue was out, there in nothing but two surveys — no magazine. Did I misunderstand about the free issue?

    • Joseph

      Hi Rhonda

      First of all, thank you for being a subscriber with us! In your subscription email, you should have received the link download information for the publication(s). If you clicked the link and were unable to retrieve or view the magazine, please contact support. It will be our pleasure to assist you and make certain you are able to access the publication.

  2. Andres

    The magazine sounds fantastic, I’m downloading a copy. I would like to buy a printed copy from my newsagent if possible.

  3. Nanako

    OMG!!! My favorite topic!!!! I absolutely love this magazine.

  4. Testfj

    I just signed up for your mag, I am loving it so far! Thanks to my friend for introducing me to your blog. I am still getting up to speed. I do want to say that yes, it is hard to know God’s will, but it isn’t always for us to know because we are to live by faith. What we are to know is that He knows best, no matter what the outcome. It is hard not knowing what will come, but rest in the peace that God will take care of everything and enjoy every moment!


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