Core Contributor: Jason Hunt of Frontier Christian University

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By Prepare Magazine

Meet one of PREPARE Magazine’s Valued Core Contributors: Jason Hunt

When we say that at PREPARE Magazine our contributors have a heart to help others prepare…we really do mean it! We hope you will get to know  this particular core contributor in greater depth.  What he has established for years prior to being a part of PREPARE Magazine speaks volumes to his commitment to serving others along this journey of preparing in Peace vs. fear.


Jason Hunt founded Hunt Survival, Inc./ KY River Bushcraft as an outreach and training center for people called to prepare for the gospel ministry that have a desire to get back to basics. His vision was equipping small groups of men and women that would venture out to take the gospel to diverse areas outside of the institutional church setting; more specifically in an outdoor or wilderness environment just as the early church did in its humble beginnings. Jason was commissioned a Kentucky Colonel by Governor Steve Beshear for service to the Commonwealth where he’s worked as a pastor and missional church planter for over a decade. He was ordained by the late Apostles Charles & Frances Hunter. Jason holds both Bachelor and Master degrees in Ministry respectively with a Doctorate in Theology. He’s also a published author having written books related to the Christian life, Search and Rescue and has been featured in several magazines and video series.

Jason Hunt is also the President of Frontier Christian University and continually strives to improve the lives of those he encounters all to the glory of Jesus Christ.   Frontier Christian University was founded in 2001 originally as Southern Indiana Bible College under charter of Kingdom Harvest Ministries located in New Albany, Indiana. Their first class sessions were held at Dwelling Place Ministries which still serves the downtown community of New Albany. With an office now located in Floyds Knobs and training sites throughout Southern Indiana, FCU continues its commission of equipping God’s Generals to reform the nations with the power of the Gospel of the Messiah Jesus. With students from all 50 states and over a dozen other nations jasonhunt1Frontier has been met with a wide variety of acceptance and recognition.  FCU is equipping believers to make a difference in their communities for God’s kingdom.

Jason has been training in the martial arts for almost thirty years and was inducted into the 2001 U.S. Martial Arts Hall of Fame. He has black belt ranks in Ju Jitsu, Hapkido, Arnis, Krav Maga and Kapap.

Some of Jason’s professional certifications include:

  • ICKMA Certified Firearms Instructor
  • Wilderness Survival Instructor (ISI, ICKMA)
  • Pathfinder Phase I & II
  • Pathfinder Basic Certified
  • Pathfinder Blacksmithing
  • Firefighter (Active)
  • EMT-Basic with Wilderness Upgrade (WEMT)
  • Search & Rescue Team Leader
  • ASHI BLS & First Aid Instructor 


We here at PREPARE Magazine are delighted that Jason Hunt has contributed such wonderful articles that are practical, Scriptural and encouraging for those of us on this preparedness journey.  We look forward to his contributions each month and know you will enjoy getting learn from all he has to offer.  Thank you Jason!

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Many great contributors have joined the team of PREPARE Magazine, and added their voice to the call to prepare.  It is the group of dedicated Core Contributor writers who help to flesh-out the vision from the beginning and are the back bone of our publication. It is our honor and blessing to serve along side such wonderful individuals.  We hope you enjoy getting to know them more.

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