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We have all made mistakes that we regret. But what matters is that we learn from them and ensure that they are never repeated again. This approach applies to bartering as well. However, the repercussions of making a mistake in this sector can affect an investor pretty...
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The Zika Virus, Natural Mosquito Repellent & Bite Remedies Mosquitoes and Mankind Guest Blog Post by: PREPARE Magazine Author – Snake Blocker of Blocker Academy Mosquitoes, they are not going away. You either live in an area where mosquitoes live like kings...
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Home On Wheels Guest Blog Post by: PREPARE Magazine Distinguished Author – Ken Youngquist, of Survivaltek There is a saying that “less is more”. This has many applications: Less parts to a device means that there are less chances of failure; less...
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Before the festivities begin and the calendar turns over to a new year, many people are preparing for their holiday tradition of trimming the tree. We’d like to share with you, another thought about this topic. It is a more sustainable thought with hints of...
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Here at PREPARE Magazine, we’re always delighted when another Author who really walks the talk reaches out to share with us and you. Today’s Guest Blogger, Abby Artemisia is exactly the kind of grassroots instructor/teacher that we love introducing to...
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The traditional growing season is coming to a close. If you have grown heirloom tomatoes, then seed saving is next on the ‘to-do’ list. Here is a guest blog from one of our new writers here at PREPARE Magazine. We hope you enjoy these 8 Easy Steps to...