Guest Bloggers

Less is More in a Home On Wheels

Less is More in a Home On Wheels

Home On Wheels Guest Blog Post by: PREPARE Magazine Distinguished Author - Ken Youngquist, of Survivaltek There is a saying that "less is more". This has many applications: Less parts to a device means that there are less chances of failure; less estate and physical...

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Primitive Meat Preservation By Smoking

Primitive Meat Preservation By Smoking

Before there was refrigeration, meat was cured by various methods to preserve it for future consumption. When supplies were available, meats were soaked in brine consisting of heavily salted water and could also have included other seasonings to add a variety of...

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The Preparedness Mindset

The Preparedness Mindset

Do you have The Preparedness Mindset? Maybe you've had people say something like this to you: “You just think everybody is out to get you.” “You're all a bunch of camo-wearing kooks.” “My faith will save me, I don't need to prepare like that.” Regardless of where you...

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