New issue of PREPARE Magazine to be released soon!

| Blog | 8 comments


Our June issue is scheduled to be released soon.   We are very excited about this issue, and look forward to releasing it to our subscribers.

The June Issue is focused on FOOD.   There are some amazing articles in this issue that will really help you in your Preparation planning, and will also stir your interest in ways to improve your planning now.  Don’t miss this issue!

Here is a “sneak peak” of the cover…

Explore More on Preparedness

Alcohol and Diet Impact Health and Preparedness

Alcohol and Diet Impact Health and Preparedness

Maybe you haven't given it much thought about how Alcohol and Diet Impact Health and Preparedness, but they both do.  The use or abuse of either one of these areas of consumption have a great impact not only on one's current physical state, but also upon the mental...

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  1. Wanda

    I am so looking forward to receiving this June Issue. Thank you for keeping me updated.

    • Joseph

      Thank you for being a part of our family.

  2. SCP

    Would like to be able to download the magazine to read not needing internet connection

    • Joseph

      Thank you for your excellent comment. We certainly can provide a link for you to download the latest issue. If you are a subscriber, simply fill-out a support ticket and ask for the direct download link. We also provide you the ability to print the issue if you prefer. We will soon be launching a hard-copy subscription for those who prefer that format.

  3. Myrna

    would like to download on pdf.

    • Joseph

      Hello Myrna

      We are happy to share the pdf download. Please submit a ticket to our Support desk, and someone will be happy to send you the download. Thanks for your comment

      • Val

        I am most interested in finding alternatives to the safety net for human services that is in place today. That means finding ways for communities to care for each other through grass roots initiatives. There is definitely a great need for highly skilled professionals but with the cutbacks, there has to be prioritization of who needs what services most and other are left to fall through the cracks. Communities, if educated and equipped, can do so much themselves to help but they need resources and leaders to help them get started. This is especially true in rural areas. I see some of this starting in the larger cities but the rural areas are struggling to find models and alternatives and help to get them out of the box and get started. So my interests can be many within this area.

  4. Stanciu

    Here in the Poconos high winds are an ongoing problem although we get a lot of different weather. Since we live in a rural area we often lose power and flashlights of any stripe are always helpful especially for me as with my emphysema candles are not very good to use because of the smoke.


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