Preparedness Product Review: WonderMix Heavy Duty Mixer

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A Product for Preparedness: WonderMix Heavy Duty Mixer Review

By Vickilynn Haycraft,

When considering products to purchase for their journey of preparation, many choose non-electrical products that can be used off-grid. Others may add some products that can be used while power and fuel are available, to increase their preparedness efforts.

Since we know that there are many situations and scenarios where our preparations may be needed, and not all of them will be off-grid, choosing products to assist us is always a good thing. For us, we choose to be assisted by products that allow us to put food into storage, freeze, dehydrate, can etc. One of these beneficial products for our family is a large, heavy-duty mixer / kitchen machine for home use. We use it to make big batches of bread, batters, mix, knead, whip, whisk, shred and more. We consider it an essential tool for our food storage preparations.

As a Product Reviewer for almost 30 years, I have tested and reviewed several mixers for home use including differentproduct-review-wondermix models of the Bosch Universal, Kitchen Aid, Dimension 2000 and Ankersrum mixers and now I have been testing the WonderMix. I was able to compare function to function against other brands and put the WonderMix through many different tasks and the WonderMix performed brilliantly.

In my list of requirements for Product Testing of mixers, I especially look for a heavy duty mixer that is well-made and sturdy, one that can handle large batches of stiff 100% whole grain doughs with ease without straining the motor, without jumping all over the counter and most of all, that will effectively develop the gluten in whole grain bread. On the other end of the spectrum, this heavy duty workhorse must be gentle when whipping delicate items and be able to mix and knead very small batches of bread effectively and as well as the large batches. The mixer must be durable and easy to use as well as accommodate accessories for expanding its functions, making it multi-purpose.

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Testing of the Basic Package:
My initial observations of the WonderMix Revolution were that it had a smaller footprint than other mixers and looked like it could not handle my extra-large batch requirements. Boy, was I ever wrong! I packed up the WonderMix with my biggest batches of 100% whole wheat bread, triple batches of sprouted whole wheat bagels and stiff whole grain doughs. The smaller size of the WonderMix disguises the power and engineering efficiency contained inside. I am extremely impressed with the performance of beautifully developing gluten structure without overmixing the dough on large and small batches of yeast doughs. Also, as required, the WonderMix was able to delicately whip, mix and shred even the lightest batters, meats, and doughs.

I compared the WonderMix function to function against the Kitchen Aid stand mixer, Bosch Universal, Ankarsrum Kitchen Assistant, and in all the tests, the WonderMix performed much better than the KitchenAid and Ankersrum and matched the Bosch in some functions and outperformed the Bosch in others.

Some of my favorite features of the WonderMix are the locking 2-part lid (and it really locks, keeping the dough inside the bowl while kneading those big batches!), the unique dough hook and dough divider that facilitate large and small bread batches, and of course, the 900 watts of power. A huge feature is:

It. Did. Not. Walk. Across. The. Counter. (Even with mega-batches of stiff bread and bagel dough.)

In addition to checking off my Product Testing and Performance criteria check sheet, comparing the WonderMix to other mixers, I simply used it for everyday mixing, kneading, shredding, whipping, blending and had immense fun with it. I have to say that I am in love with this new mixer!

From the same established company that brings us the Wondermill and Wonder Jr. grain mills with proven quality, workmanship, and excellent Customer Service.

  • CSA and UL listed
  • Lifetime Warranty on many parts (no other heavy duty mixer offers this)
  • 900 Watt Motor
  • Direct Drive High Torque Transmission
  • 3 Speeds + Pulse
  • Large 22 Cup Mixing Bowl (5.5 quart)
  • Heavy Duty Tru-Mix Dough Hook
  • Convenient bowl handle
  • BPA Free
  • Cord Storage Compartment
  • No Walking Base
  • Overload Protection
  • Dishwasher Safe Bowl
  • Safety Bowl Locking System
  • Double Beating Whisks
  • For a limited time: comes with Cookie Whips and Blender
  • Designed, Engineered and Licensed in Germany
  • Accessories available
  • Less expensive than other heavy duty mixers


13 inches wide, 9 inches deep and 12 inches tall
11 pounds


Conclusion: Based on testing, comparison and performance, I highly recommend the WonderMix Revolution Mixer as a heavy duty mixer. I use it for a wide variety of applications in my own kitchen.


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Vickilynn’s 7-loaf 100% Whole Wheat and Honey Challah

7 cups water, warm, about 120 degrees
2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup softened butter (or use all olive oil for dairy free)
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 Tablespoons instant yeast
18-20 freshly ground whole wheat or sprouted whole wheat flour, divided
1 cup honey
6 large whole eggs +
3 large egg whites (1 2/3 cup eggs) *reserve the yolks for the glaze
1 Tablespoon salt
2 cups vital gluten
3 egg yolks
3 Tablespoons water

Place hot water and apple cider vinegar in WonderMix mixing bowl fitted with the dough hook. Add softened butter and mix to dissolve butter. Add 3 cups of flour and yeast. Mix well, cover and let sponge for 15 minutes.

Stir down sponge and add olive oil, salt, honey, eggs and 8 cups whole wheat flour. Mix well until everything is incorporated.

Add in flour, one cup at a time, until a dough is formed that pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl and clings to itself. The dough should not be very sticky, but still moist and supple. Do not add all the flour if not necessary and add more if needed. The amount of flour needed will vary.

Let dough knead until very supple and springy and gluten is developed. *By hand, 20+ minutes, by large mixer 10 minutes.*

Let rise, covered, until doubled. Punch dough down and divide into 7 equal portions. Shape into desired shapes* and let rise about 30 minutes. Mix egg yolks and water until completely mixed. Brush breads with glaze before baking.

  • To braid, divide each loaf’s dough into 4 portions. Roll each fourth into long snakes. Braid by starting with the left portion and running it over, under over under the other portions. Pinch each end of the loaf to seal. Roll loaf slightly long-wise on the counter before placing on the baking sheet.
  • For shaped rolls; bake in a preheated 425 oven for 10-12 minutes, or until just lightly browned. Do not overbake, they will be hard. I bake mine for 10 minutes.
  • For loaves, bake in a preheated 350 oven for 30-35 minutes, or until done.
  • To make butterhorns (or crescents): divide each loaf portion into 2 equal parts. Roll each part into a circle 6-8 inches. Cut into 6 equal triangles. (I use a pizza cutter). Starting with the wide end, roll up the triangle and place on a lightly greased cookie sheet, with the point underneath. I turn the edges down slightly as well so the rolls look like an upside down “u”.
  • To make cloverleaf rolls: divide each loaf portion into 12 balls. Divide each ball into 3 smaller balls. Place 3 balls in each tin of a 12 muffin pan. The balls will join together as they rise and look like a “crown”.



Vickilynn’s 8-loaf 100% Whole Wheat and Honey Raisin Bread

8 cup water, warm, about 120 degrees
2 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
20-22 cups freshly ground whole wheat or sprouted whole wheat flour
3 Tablespoons instant yeast
2 cups vital gluten
1 cup oil
1 cup honey
1 Tablespoon salt
2 Tablespoons cinnamon
2 Tablespoons vanilla extract
3 cups raisins
Place hot water and apple cider vinegar in Wonder Mix mixing bowl fitting with the dough hook. Add 8 cups of flour and yeast. Mix well, cover and let sponge for 15 minutes.

Stir down sponge and add vital gluten, olive oil, honey, salt, cinnamon, vanilla extract and raisins. Mix well until everything is incorporated.

Add in flour, one cup at a time, until a dough is formed that pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl and clings to itself.  The dough should not be very sticky, but still moist and supple. Do not add all the flour if not necessary and add more if needed. The amount of flour needed will vary.

Let dough knead until very supple and springy and gluten is developed. *By hand, 20+ minutes, by large mixer 10 minutes.*

Let rise, covered, until doubled. Punch dough down and divide into 8 equal portions. Shape into desired shapes and let rise about 30 minutes. Bake at 350 in a preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until bread is done. Let cool before slicing.


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Egg-Free, Vegan Marshmallow Fluff (made with aquafaba)

1 teaspoon pure lemon juice (no oil!) or apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup aquafaba, unwhipped (about what is in a can of cooked garbanzo beans)
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/2 teaspoon guar gum (optional, but makes a more firm consistency)
Pinch of salt (optional, and only if using unsalted bean aquafaba)
1/2 cup powdered granular sweetener, sugar or xylitol
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Wash the WonderMix bowl very well and make sure it is completely dry. Wipe the lemon juice or vinegar all over the inside of the bowl, to remove any oil residue.
Pour in the aquafaba, cream of tartar, guar gum and salt if using. Place the beaters in the Wondermix and cover the bowl. Beat on #3 for 10 minutes. Remove the small lid and start adding the powdered sweetener in VERY slowly, 1 Tablespoon at a time, and let the sweetener incorporate before adding more. When all the sweetener is in, add in the vanilla and taste the fluff. If it is sweet enough, use immediately. Add more sweetener as needed.

You can use this recipe to make baked meringue cookies, whipped toppings, vegan ice cream and more. For additional recipes, visit the Facebook group, Aquafaba Everything.

vickilynn-haycraft-photoVickilynn Haycraft is the author of: “Wrapping It Up!” and co-author of “Naturally Healthy Cuisine, Real Food for Real Families”. Vickilynn is a sought-after independent product tester and book reviewer delivering accurate, honest, and trustworthy reviews on products and books for the whole family. Subscribe to Vickilynn at:, National Product Review Examiner, National Family Preparedness Examiner.

Disclaimer: There are NO affiliate links within Vickilynn Haycraft’s review.
She is an independent Product Reviewer. She does not sell products or accept payment for reviews. The products reviewed are either purchased by Vickilynn Haycraft or provided for review and all reviews are unbiased regardless of how the item was obtained. This product was provided for testing and review.

Contact The Wondermill Company Directly here


Here at PREPARE Magazine, we are delighted for Vickilynn’s unbiased review of fine products such as this and the many she has shared with us throughout our years of publication.

By way of full disclosure: If you are interested in purchasing the WonderMix Deluxe Mixer, please consider purchasing through Millers Grain House, an Authorized Dealer of all WonderMill Products. Our Founder would greatly appreciate your support.

NOTE: The warranties are only applied when you purchase the WonderMix through authorized dealers. Do not purchase from Ebay or Amazon dealers unless they are authorized.

Click here for more of Vickilynn’s recipes

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