PREPARE Your Water Supply!

| Blog | 2 comments


The July issue of PREPARE Magazine has been released.  If you are a subscriber, please check your email for the viewing link.

The July issue is focused on Water.   Obviously, it is vital that we carefully plan for our water needs.   This issue offers great information on ways to capture water, locate hidden springs on your property, and how to dig your own well.

Water is essential for survival, and likely will become an increasingly important concern during times of difficulty.  Take the time to learn all that you can about storage, locating, and purifying your water supply.


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  1. tish

    how do i download. I don’t see a link

    • donna

      Greetings Tish.
      You receive the link within an email each month when the issue is ready/available. If you have recently registered you should be getting the next month’s issue within the first week of the new month.

      Look for an email which includes the link to open the digital magazine reader.
      If you want to print or save the pdf version of it – please refer to this blog post which gives those instructions:


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