PREPARE Magazine print release!

| Blog | 7 comments


We are very pleased to announce that we will soon be offering a hard-copy print version of PREPARE Magazine.  We have met with our publisher and feel confident that we will be able to release this new version in July.  We are excited.

We will continue to offer the monthly digital version.  The new hard-copy print version will be printed bi-monthly (every other month) on high-quality paper and delivered by US Postal service.  The publication will contain some elements from the monthly digital versions, but will include new feature sections and fresh content.  It will be a larger publication and will not be a duplication of the digital version.

We will begin taking subscriptions for this new hard-copy version soon.   We will offer a special introductory period for our “Founding Subscribers” – those who are currently subscribed to the monthly digital version of PREPARE Magazine.   Be sure to keep an eye out for the subscription email.

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  1. Rizky

    Time to face the music armed with this great information.

  2. Denis

    I guess finding useful, reliable information on the internet isn’t hopeless after all.

  3. Nanoo

    If only there were more clever people like you all!

  4. Sarah

    Please teach the rest of these internet hooligans how to write and research!

  5. Linda

    Call me “wind” because I am absolutely blown away!

  6. Donna Henken

    Thank you so much for coming out with the paper magazine,if power ever go’s out i’ll still be able to read them,,,THANK YOU,THANK YOU ,THANK YOU, you all are great !!!!

    • donna

      Very good point Donna!
      That and the ability to keep them and refer to them and carry them to do that projects inside the edition…we are very excited about what the future holds for PREPARE Magazine and how we can serve the Preparedness community! We greatly appreciate your encouragement! Thank YOU!


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