PREPARE Magazine June Publication is ready!

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The newest digital publication of PREPARE Magazine is now ready.  We have received the completed edition from our designer and are now getting ready to distribute to our readers.  The new publication will be uploaded into the membership area of our PREMIUM Membership subscribers, and within a couple days released to all of our digital subscribers.

The June issue is a beautiful design and our contributors have offered some really great content.  Here are a few of the areas we share in the June release:  Simple Tips for Surviving a Natural Disaster, Preparedness in Layers, and Sources of Water in an Emergency.

We will alert all of our subscribers by email where they can download this latest issue.  Premium and Founding Members will be able to login to your account to view.

Also… other issues of PREPARE Magazine are on the way!

The next issue of the Print Publication will be released to our Print Subscribers in July.  It is a beautiful design and loaded with excellent resources.

The JULY digital Publication is in the design phase and should be released the last week of June.

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