New Viewing Format! Please test and leave a comment.

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By Prepare Magazine


To those who are Founding Subscribers, we want to first give a heart felt ‘THANK YOU’ for getting on board with your complimentary subscription while we are in our pre-launch phase!  While this does take you on the journey of bugs and bumps it also brings you along with us as we improve!

We have a new viewing format that we would like for you to take for a spin and give us your feedback in a comment to this blog post.  Here’s a list of some of the things that are now available by using this new viewing format:

[wpgfxm_bullets bullet=”green-arrow”]

  • Customizable Zoom Percentage.
  • “Real” Page Turning with Mouse-over Corners.
  • Easier scrolling.
  • Instant Mobile Viewing using the same link.
  • Sound (more on that in the video tutorial below).
  • Easy Print Button for a Page, Selected Article or Whole Issue.
  • Search & Navigate.
  • Large Expanding.
  • Thumbnail Indexing.
  • Social Sharing with One Click.


First and foremost  we want to familiarize you with the new format in this short video tutorial to help you get the most out of the new features, but please continue below this video:


So now here is the link to test out the potentially new viewing format of the September issue of PREPARE Magazine – CLICK -> September Test Issue.  Please …go take it for a test drive of your own and please, leave us a comment on this blog to let us know what you think!

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  1. betty

    voicee too .low

    • Prepare Magazine

      There is a volume button at the bottom left hand side if that helps. Also you can turn up volume on the computer itself…but…that is just the tutorial video. It’s just instructional. It’s not the new viewing format, just an example of how to use it.

      We are hoping for your feed back on the viewing format. How did you like the one that YOU can open up (found below the video)?

  2. Rebecca Sanchez

    I like it a lot. Clear, crisp text and images. Zoom is great. I like how you can actually click on advirtisements and go straight to their web site. And I was surprised to actually HEAR the pages turning.
    You are doing a great job!

  3. Bruce

    I like it much better to just download a pdf and read it on my computer without waiting for each page to download. I like my reader, Skim, better…..

    • Steve

      I completely agree with Bruce. I would like a button to download a pdf so I can read it later. Please add this feature. Thanks!

      • Prepare Magazine

        If you click on the ‘HELP’ feature – you will see that there will be a download option. It’s simply not live on this sample, but we are working with the programmer to see if we can’t get it put into the tool bar up top. That may or may not be able to happen, but it is in the ‘HELP’ box. (o:

  4. Danny

    I like it. Straight forward and easy to use. The zoom feature makes it easier to read for those of us that a little more seasoned.

  5. KJ

    Love the availability of the print feature. Thank you.

  6. Cherlynn

    It looks good but the volume really is much to low! I clicked and turned it all the way up but still couldn’t make out what was being said. But I got the message of how to use the new lay out. Love the printing option!

  7. kdonat

    LIked the new options, a move up/down slide bar would be nice.

  8. Barbara

    I really liked these features. I didn’t try the volume button. I like that you can print one page. I’ve tried to down load a PDF file for older magazine and then couldn’t find it. So the new set up and instructions were nice.

  9. Lisa

    So far I like all the updates/changes. Keep up the good work

  10. Ed Mayfield

    I really enjoyed the navigation of this new format. Especially the ability to click the ads and be directed to the pages of these advertisers. It works well for my taste. The tutorial was helpful, albeit hard to hear.

  11. Karen Bollhoefer

    Very nice! Just love the magazine. Keep up the good work.

  12. Jenni S.

    I thought it was informative. Very clear.

  13. rebecca

    couldn’t hear it even with the volume up on everything but i got the jist good job

  14. Rob

    I like this one’s navigation much better as well as the zoom control. Keep up the good work.

  15. Gil

    Needs a download button…

    • Prepare Magazine

      I do believe if you click on the ‘HELP’ feature – you will see that there will be a download option. It’s simply not live on this sample.

  16. Sue G.

    Its fantastic! Love all the features especially the print options. I thoroughly enjoyed the magazine and user-friendly features. Having direct links to advertisers a big plus too!

  17. Lynette

    The new format is awesome! Better features and easier on the reader! Thanks guys for all you do!

  18. Catherine

    Thanks for all the work, very helpful options, really enjoy the magazine.

  19. Linda Sorden

    Love what you are doing hope your endever grows and prospers. It is so well done, you all are doing a great job!!!

  20. Rod Oshel

    I like it…you are doing this right!

  21. JW

    I really like the format, I like the thumbnail viewing, and was impressed with the search feature. When I typed in a search of “bug out”……….it gave me all the pages that were relevant to that term. Like the others, I like clicking on the ad and going right to their web page. Great job!

  22. Combat Doc

    Very professional. Hopefully the beginning of even greater things to come! The tutorial was very instructive for someone who is technologically challenged!

  23. Pat Havens

    I really like the new format , easy to use and very clean . I hope you keep it!


    sound was wayyyy too low. I have a laptop and I turned it as loud as possible and it still was not where I could hear it.

    • Prepare Magazine

      Sorry about the sound, but honestly the video is not the point… it is the link below the video that we hope for you to check out and give feedback. The video was just a little ‘help’ along the way…not sure it’s totally necessary for everyone to see/hear it to figure out the features of the new viewing format (liked below the video).

  25. Frank Gregg

    Search button dropped down, but would not accept text to search. I tried to print pages 18-19, but got 7-13. Otherwise, looking good.
    Also had trouble hearing audio from the video. Turned up computer and speaker volume.

    Had to click (again) on hand to move down the page of an ad. Otherwise, clicking on the page took me to the ad webpage.

    • Prepare Magazine

      Greetings Frank!
      Thank you for testing out some of the features and giving us feedback.
      The ‘search’ field did that to us once and then, the next time did just as we hoped – found our search word.
      The viewing features seem to do well, just some of the idiosyncrasies to work out on others. It also may have something to do with this just being a ‘sample’.

  26. Debra Beeuwsaert

    I thought this was a great way to produce the magazine. My only problem was that if I went too fast, I would only get one page instead of side-by-side. Otherwise, this was great.

  27. Jim Williams

    Like it

  28. Ed the Pilgrim

    Love it! Quick to load, easy to use, easy to read! Soooo….now where do I sign up in advance for the print edition?

    • Prepare Magazine

      Funny you should ask!
      That’s one reason we are working on this new format. The print version should be ready to release and pre-orders available SOON at a discount to all who already have the digital subscription! Soon. VERY soon!

      Thank you for hanging in there and for your kind encouragement!

  29. k r

    didn’t test the search option, but I did try all the others. I really like this. Love ease of zoom and full screen. Easy scroll and multiple page turning options are nice. Would like to see the pages load faster. You;re doing great.

  30. Dale

    Really like all the new features, keep on improving it. You have a very informative magazine and look forward to the next issue.

  31. Lisa

    Like the new features. However, it is a little more complicated. For those of us who aren’t very computer literate the previous format is much easier to use.

  32. Anonymous

    I’v checked the viewing format and feel that its perfect. The zooming feature is one handy thing since most viewing formats do not offer customized zooming.

  33. Anonymous

    The new viewing format is definitely handy because of easier scrolling and instant viewing but features like social sharing can be taken to the next level with a wider social base.


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