Meet the PREPARE Magazine Team!

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By Prepare Magazine

PREPARE Magazine, with its valuable content and encouraging articles, would not be a reality without the vision of our leadership and the tireless contributions from a very talented and passionate team of individuals.  It is our privilege and honor to be able to work with such a great group of folks from across the globe to bring our readers the uplifting message of preparedness.

Over the next few posts we would like to give you a little more in-depth look at the PREPARE Magazine Team members. As new members join the PREPARE Magazine family, you’ll get to hear about them as well. From contributors to editors and graphics and advertizing supporters – the PREPARE Magazine Team is a group of folks with whom you will want  connect and get to know more closely.

Please subscribe to the rss feed so you don’t miss a single introduction.  You may make a new friend and supporter along your preparedness journey, as you learn more about this fine team, just as we have made lasting friendships of those who have answered the call for a common vision: 
Encouraging, Empowering and Enriching Your Journey!”

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