The Zika Virus, Natural Mosquito Repellents & Bite Remedies

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By Prepare Magazine

The Zika Virus, Natural Mosquito Repellent & Bite Remedies

mosquito filled with blood

Mosquitoes and Mankind

Click by 3/21/2016 for this FREE Digital Issue!

Guest Blog Post by: PREPARE Magazine Author – Snake Blocker of Blocker Academy

Mosquitoes, they are not going away.  You either live in an area where mosquitoes live like kings and queens in humid environments, or you have visited a place such as this. These mosquitoes, like vampires, suck!  An old Apache legend states they were not indigenous to the Turtle Island (the Americas) until the last Great Bear died and reincarnated into millions of mosquitoes that when combined, formed the shape of the Sacred Great Bear.  The Great Bear was killed by a disrespectful Apache youth, so in revenge, the next season the bear formed massive swarms of mosquitoes to suck the life blood out of the entire tribe, bite by bite.

     So what do we do without playing around with chemicals? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind (or in this article).  Mosquitoes usually like non-locals over locals, just like I like an occasional Asian or Mexican dish.  They also tend to prefer excessive-fat people over lean-fit people.

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Recommendations for repelling mosquitoes:

  1. Cover up any and all exposed skin
  2. Rub cinnamon oil on your skin and drink cinnamon tea and/or eat ground cinnamonmosquito bites
  3. Rub lemon grass oil on your skin and/or spray it on your clothes
  4. Drink vanilla mixed with olive oil
  5. Eat Garlic and/or rub garlic on your clothes

Recommendations for mosquito bites to prevent and minimize itching:

  1. Rub tea tree oil on all exposed areas where itching is occurring
  2. Bathe in water mixed with lavender oil (warm water) and/or rub on affected areas
  3. Place spit and urine (hopefully your own) on affected areas to give some temporary comfort, if nothing else is available
  4. Rub peppermint oil on affected areas
  5. Place paste of baking soda mixed with a little purified water on affected area to draw out the irritants

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Remember, thousands of people die each year from mosquitoes as they can transmit disease and cause many illnesses, which can be fatal to unfit people and fit people alike.   When things go from bad to worst with climate changes and worse case scenarios, mosquitoes will increase in number and deadliness.

Be prepared my friend, be prepared!

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Snake - close upSnake Blocker is a member of the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas, is an accomplished martial artists and Apache Historian.  He has served in the U.S. Navy since June 2001 and did tours in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. He is the featured instructor in several videos and promotes his signature line of survival products and knives.  Snake has been featured on Deadliest Warrior “Apaches versus Gladiators” and Doomsday Preppers “In the Hurt Locker”. He hosts “Snake Blocker Survival” on Preparedness Radio Network.


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