How to PRINT or DOWNLOAD Digital Issues of PREPARE Magazine

| Blog | 10 comments

By Prepare Magazine

So let’s just say that you are already a subscriber to PREPARE Magazine’s Free Digital Issues   <–  Click if not   …

How do you print or download it?    We have an answer for that!

The digital version of PREPARE Magazine is created in a pdf format, and can be easily printed.  With just a few short steps to sign up once, it will be easy to log in and print each time the Free Digital Issue Link comes to your Inbox!

When you open the Digital Flip-Viewer Copy of the Magazine in full-screen view by clicking “Expand”, there is a “print icon” at the bottom of the magazine.  It is found  in the row of icons (Email, Print & Zoom) at the bottom.  See?

Click the print icon.

We contract with a company (called ISSUU) to provide the hosting and formatting for our magazine.  They have the set up to make it easy to print.  After clicking the icon, you will be taken to their (not OUR) website that will ask you to sign-up, or sign-in if you have already created an account with them, and be able to print!

Once you have created an account with ISSUU,  you can vote (thumbs up we hope), add each month to your favorites, share it on Facebook,  Twitter,  Google+,  email to a friend,  print  and download the issue each month.

A bonus is – for a LIMITED TIME – you can even get to the back issues this same way!

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  1. Kaye

    Can I save the magazines to my computer?

    • donna

      Greetings Kaye.
      Yes, if you follow the instructions in the blog on which you commented, ISSUU has the option of downloading and saving a pdf version of the magazine.

      • Bell

        I must say, youve got 1 with the greatest blogs Ive seen in a long time. What I wondlut give to have the ability to make a blog thats as intriguing as this. I guess Ill just need to maintain reading yours and hope that 1 day I can write on a subject with as much expertise as youve got on this 1!

  2. kimberley

    I was able to open the first issue just fine…..loved it. But the last issue wont open up for me. I would love to see the new issue.

    • donna

      Thank you for your kind words about the first issue.
      Please email to see if that help desk can work to resolve your problem with opening the subsequent issues. This is simply the ‘blog’ and I who mans it – does not have the technical expertise to help trouble shoot and resolve that for you. Trust me, you wouldn’t want me to even TRY! (o:

      The Support Desk staff will be far more helpful!

  3. Dena

    The print Icon is not working for me. :o(

    • donna

      Greetings Dena.
      You will likely get a better response and instruction to resolve this issue if you email

  4. war13usaf

    Rank, which group of people will have most power in WROL/SHTF?

  5. Init2live

    I am only able to get the download of September 2011. Are there any other other monthly issues of the magazine and how do I go about getting them to download? Thank you so much for any help. Happy New Year!

    • Prepare Magazine

      This question is best addressed by going here: and copying it into the box for support. They are more suited to answer this than those who keep up the blog. We wouldn’t want to steer you wrong. Hopefully by now you have gotten the YEAR END ISSUE that went out in December. If not, add that to the query for support. Happy New Year to you too!


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