But what are we preparing for?

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Preparedness is on everyone’s mind but what are we preparing for?

A Guest Blog Post – By David Browne, Author of Are You Ready?


It is obvious that we are heading for a complete economic crash in the very near future.  We read from Plato and Aristotle that governments evolve in a cycle.

1. A Monarchial government tends to become an Aristocracy as the lords whittle away the powers of the monarch, usually in the name of a philanthropist, but a false philanthropist.

2. The Aristocracy, in turn becomes an Oligarchy, the rule or dictatorship by a few men pursuing their own selfish interest rather than the general good.

3. Finally, the people, indignant at their exploitation, invariably rise and overthrow the corruption and establish a Republic.   A Republic (Magna Carta) is a written document giving all people equal rights under law to life and liberty, ownership of land, and to pursue their life as they feel justified as free born.

4. A republic gives way to a Democracy. Men who promise to benefit the poor at the expense of the rich are voted in.  This is called mob rule.  The majority votes themselves more and more free lunch which will, in time, bankrupt the government.

5. Anarchy/riots will give way to a dictator, who places himself as a Monarch and around it goes again. The Greek philosophers vary slightly about the end of this cycle but it seems to be true even in America.

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Common to both Aristotle and Plato, and indeed to others however described, was a defined set of higher laws or ideas or ideals, of which earthly laws were an imperfect imitation.  They described a government of these higher laws as unalienable rights of nature/man, which government can’t take away or disturb.  This was called Constitutional Republican form of government.  The United States of America was founded on this rock. But we have lost it to a Democracy, rule of the majority or mob rule.



As a Constitutional Republic, only landowners could vote.  Freeloaders had no say in government and could not vote themselves welfare.  Welfare was up to the religious churches and separate from the state or government.

In the last presidential election Obama won with the states that were the highest population on welfare.  He lost the popular vote and the state numbers to Romney.

Knowing that we are heading for an economic collapse as Plato and Aristotle have said, are there any other writings that we can turn to that will give us an idea as to what we are preparing for?

The only place that I could really read about the future is our scriptures.  Not to give a Sunday school lesson but what I have read causes great concern in our preparation for the future.  It also foretells of the economic collapse and the anarchy to follow.

Here is what I have found and this is what I believe we should be preparing for:

1. An increase in natural disasters across the world, ie: floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, typhoons, tornadoes, volcanoes, flies and pestilence and drought on massive scale.

2. World wars, of massive proportions, State against State, City against City, families against each other. Anarchy everywhere.  No civil order or law.

3. Three years Isaiah says we will suffer with hunger. First year we will eat what we have or can find. Second year what we can find. Those who are alive on the third year will have some peace to be able to plant.

4. The hardest hit will be all the major cities in this country because they are so congested that no one will be able to leave the city and anarchy will be so bad as to leave the city desolate.

5. FEMA says that if the electrical grid goes down for any longer that a few weeks that the death toll will begin to rise and if it lasts for a year that 90% will die.

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Now that we understand why we are preparing, we can begin to see what we need to do to prepare.  Businesses that don’t realize what to prepare for will try to sell you thousands of dollars on survival food that you will not need and can’t use.  It will either be taken from you by the government in order to get you to take the Mark of the Beast computer chip, or mobs and individuals will take it.

I have stored things like lentils, rice, and wheat, along with dried carrots, celery, onions, and things like that.  I am trying to make soup.  I am not into storing hundreds of boxes of Mac and Cheese or trying to hoard all that I have stored. What I have stored is freely given to all that come.

Take a minute to watch a Movie called “Defiance” starring Daniel Craig about the Bielski Brothers and how they saved some 1500 Jews from being killed. This true story is a good example of our future and how to prepare for it.

Like the Bielski Brothers we need to find a place of safety to go to when the stuff hits the fan.  My next article will discuss how to find your place of safety.

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David Browne PicDavid Browne, Author of Are You Ready? , was assigned to guard duty in the Watts Riots, the Dominican Republic Riots and then in Udorn Thailand with the CIA Air America.  His experiences have given him great insight on surviving riots and war. His family lived off the grid for over 10 years in Southern Utah Mountains.  His intention is to take what God sent him to learn and pass it on for you to prepare for the new millennium.

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