Behind the scenes of PREPARE Magazine

| Blog | 7 comments

By Prepare Magazine

You may already get the complimentary digital issue of PREPARE Magazine once a Month, and for that we are very grateful.  But we don’t want to stop there when it comes to encouraging you, serving your needs and helping build your support system for your Preparedness Journey. We want to be there for you more than just once a month.

That is why there are so many new things on the horizon!  Look for some of these upcoming ways to connect, learn and enhance your skill set:[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Arial” size=”12px” color=”#3881FF” shadow=”none” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”left” spacing=”1px” lineheight=”120%”]

  • Downloadable Reports and Training Videos
  • Live Training Webinars and Events
  • Preparedness Resources and Supplies
  • Polls and Questionnaires to be sure we are meeting your needs.
  • Special drawings and incentives
  • Print-copy subscription mailed to your door with NEW articles.


This and more for everyone – but EVEN MORE for Founding Subscribers (that would be you now if you’re getting the complimentary monthly Issue)…but soon, that window to be a Founding Subscriber will shut once we officially launch!  So hurry and spread the word to everyone you believe to be interested.  Hey, it costs them nothing – so feel FREE to SHARE!

Also please remember that we do CURRENTLY have the PREPARE Magazine Facebook Page so we can keep in touch between the issues! So go by and ‘Like’ us, because we already like you!

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Alcohol and Diet Impact Health and Preparedness

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  1. Anna

    While your information is good, the formatting of your newsletter really needs improvement. It is very difficult to read, I don’t like constantly having to zoon in and out to read and then everything is out of focus. I am seriously considering unsubscribing simply because of the formatting, it is not enjoyable.

    I am not interested at all in downloading things from the internet, too high a risk of virus’s.

    • donna

      Greetings Anna.
      Considering this is a completely complimentary subscription, we are always glad to hear kind and constructive input. Thank you.

      Please be aware that at this time you are considered one of the Founding Subscribers. This means that as things improve you will be privy to the many perks that are associated with a paid Premium subscription, the subscription is free for you at this time – as our way of saying ‘Thank You’ for jumping in early while we continue to make improvements. Should you decide to drop due to this inconvenience, it may be that you have to pay to get the same perks you would have enjoyed for free.

      That all having been said, we are currently in a ‘growth mode’ and look to have many improvements forthcoming. If you can continue to be patient as we grow, we feel certain you will be satisfied with the improvements to come.

  2. Anna

    In my previous response I meant Zoom In and Zoom Out.

  3. James T. Stevens

    I appreciate the effort that goes into any publication–and your group deserves Kudos for what you’ve done. I would never criticize those who honestly strive to inform people with valid and valuable information–lots of which come from your personal experiences. There are so many WAGS our there who merely copy or make it up as they go, thinking that repetition is the mother of solutions, not having tried the solutions nor walked the walk. It’s easy to talk preparedness, but living it–that’s another story.

    Keep up the good work–nobody knows it all, nobody has it all–never have, never will!

    Thank you for the splendid effort to teach,train, and motivate others to get prepared or become better prepared. I personally appreciate your expertise, common sense, and ability to get this publication on the Internet. If it were easy, others would surely have done it long ago. Never mind the detractors–I’ll gladly put up with minor inconveniences of style to get the intended message(s).

    Thanks for the excellent work you do! I’m a fan, and your work is excellent–more than good enough for me!

    Illegitimi non carborundum!

    James Talmage Stevens / Doctor Prepper

    • Prepare Magazine

      Thank you for your comment!
      It is both encouraging and humbling to receive such kind remarks from the “God-Father of Prepping!”

      It is a joy and an honor to be among such wonderful company as yourself. You’ve been a tremendous example of sharing and a caring for others. Thank you for the vote of confidence!

  4. jerry

    Keep up the great work. Most of us know it is a work process and that it all takes time. I know that I sure couldn’t just jump in and start something like this. Kudos to you and yours.

  5. Jeffrey Allin


    Thank you for the opportunity to view your magazine. I found the information helpful and well organized. I will definitely considering subscription if home delivery is available.

    Best regards


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