What is in the Future for PREPARE Magazine?

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It has been a very busy couple of months for us at PREPARE Magazine.  We are so thankful for the support and encouragement we’ve received, and have been humbled as we recently celebrated our one-year Anniversary of the digital publication.  It’s been quite a journey.  It hasn’t been easy, and we’ve made plenty of mistakes along the way, but our hearts are filled with joy and thanksgiving for each of our wonderful subscribers, expert contributors, and advertisers.

With our Celebration, we have released some excellent new services and resources.  We continue to do our best to respond – as it fits our vision and mission – to the needs and requests from our preparedness community.  We are blessed to have a small part in sharing good training, resources, and important strategies to help families in their preparation efforts.

Our desire is to share a message of hope and encouragement for the future.  Certainly, there are difficulties ahead – but we can not allow the difficulties and challenges to drain us of hope.  We believe we can work together to build a prosperous and happy future.

Here are some of the new resources that we have JUST LAUNCHED!:

New Premium Membership SubscriptionIn response to the growing requests and needs of more in-depth training in preparedness, we have created and launched a new Members Subscription.  This new subscription-based service will allow us to go a bit deeper in training than what is typically found in a magazine format.  We will be collaborating with some special experts to share regular monthly live-webinars to offer instruction and training on a wide-variety of preparedness topics.  These monthly webinars will be offered as part of the benefits package for our Premium Members, and will be recorded so that our member have a growing library of expert resources and tools archived for their benefit.   

There are other great resources that are included in the Premium Membership, including access to all previous released digital publications of PREPARE Magazine, how-to ebooks and special reports, videos, and much more.

For more information, go to:  www.PrepareMember.com

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Magazine-01Print Publication of PREPARE MagazineIt has taken a bit longer than we thought, but we are pleased to say that we have launched the print version of PREPARE Magazine.  It is beautiful.    

The full-color, bi-monthly, print edition is now available for subscription.  There is a special bonus to early-subscribers, so if  you have an interest in a print version of PREPARE – you may want to take action now.

If you want more information, go now to:  http://www.preparemag.com/print-subscription/



Coming This Month!

Special Preparedness Training Webinars and Events
Our first live-Webinar training will be held this month (scheduled for May 16th).

Our monthly Webinars are special live training events that are video and audio recorded.  These training webinars will be made available to Premium Members (free), and others by registration and appropriate fee.

The topics (and guest presenters) are different each month, and offer diverse training content on topics related to preparedness, self-reliance, and disaster survival.

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  • Webinars will be recorded and archived for Premium Members
  • Webinar Attendees will be able to ask questions (either live, or prior to the event) of the expert presenters or host.
  • Downloadable written materials will be provided on the webinar topic, and made available to attendees
  • Premium Members will be able to attend the webinars and receive access to the recording free-of-charge.  Others wishing to attend (who are not Premium Members) will need to pay a fee to attend these training events.


Preparedness Community Board and Forum
One of great needs in Preparedness is joining and sharing within a community.   Coming soon to our Members area will be an active forum where people can discuss and share ideas on Preparedness topics.



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