Core Contributor: Ken Youngquist of Survivaltek

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By Prepare Magazine

A Core Contributor is someone who was asked upon the very inception of the idea of PREPARE Magazine to contribute their talent, inspiration and expertise to help educate our readers.  A core contributor is one who answered the call before even seeing the product, but helping bring the vision to reality before PREPARE Magazine had even it’s first reader! 

Many great contributors have joined the team of PREPARE Magazine, and added their voice to the call to prepare.  It is the group of dedicated Core Contributor writers who help to flesh-out the vision from the beginning and are the back bone of our publication. It is our honor and blessing to serve along side such wonderful individuals.  We hope you enjoy getting to know them.


Meet one of PREPARE Magazine’s Valued Core Contributors: Ken Youngquist



Ken Youngquist is the creator of Survivaltek, a website dedicated to teaching the ways and means to survive. From his youth, Ken was captivated by primitive living skills, and in his adulthood was intrigued by the television Series MacGyver. The result has been the study and practice of survival skills and the desire to pass on the mantle of preparedness to others. You can visit and learn more at:

The Survivaltek site is loaded with Ken’s tested and tried techniques which he shares through video, blog posts and newsletter.  You can also connect with Ken via Facebook at:

Although having been acquainted several years prior with the Miller Family when his family and the Millers lived in the same area, Ken was a first a guest on “Your Preparation Station” a couple of years ago in 2011.  His first visit with host, Donna Miller can be heard HERE

We here at PREPARE Magazine are thrilled to be able to bring you the articles of Ken Youngquist on a regular basis.  We look forward to his contributions each month and know you will enjoy getting learn from all he has to offer.  Thank you Ken!

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