Toilet Paper: How much do I need … when SHTF?

Toilet Paper: How much do I need … when SHTF?

How much toilet paper does one person actually need when SHTF (Shtuff Hits The Fan)?  It seems that toilet paper is one of the hottest commodities due to the catatonic state of fear one falls into thinking “What if we run out of TOILET PAPER?!”  This...
Notable News: Government orders Survival Kits for Banks

Notable News: Government orders Survival Kits for Banks

Many sites that are not mainstream media are supporting this Notable News: “The Government orders Survival Kits for Banks.”  While some sites will share potentially real documentation of the order for these kits (such as the section of the article below...

A Sign for the Times: PREPARE

A sign for the times.  PREPARE.   Notice – there is not a warning associated with that.  Just prepare. For what? You may ask.  For things to be atypical.  We would reply.  Hopeful but not typical. We look forward to the days ahead with an actual sense of hope. ...

Book Bonanza Giveaway #7 – “Simply Canning”

This week’s Book Bonanza Giveaway is:   Simply Canning: Survival Guide to Safe Home Canning by Sharon Peterson. If you have ever been ‘intimidated’ by home canning or had a fear you might poison your family if you tried – this book can be a...