The March 2014 issue of PREPARE Magazine is currently being released.  This is a stunning publication filled with excellent resources.  The writings, trainings, and featured items in this issue are very timely and will provide the reader with great resources and help in their preparedness planning.  The theme is focused on using primitive tools and skills in your preparedness.


For many, using primitive skills and tools are essential in the preparedness lifestyle.  In fact, some people actually look forward to the day they can draw on their generational heritage to provide for their families.  There is a belief that in times of catastrophe and difficulties, many of our “modern” tools and systems may not function the way we have grown accustomed – and that we will be drawn to use generational skills for our provision.

Not that long ago, by the standards of our technological lifestyle, we were quite a sophisticated “primitive” people.  However, we have become very reliant upon the intricacies of modern day conveniences.  Should we protect our future by re-learning skills from the past?  We support the idea that it is not only prudent but imperative that we do exactly that.

The March 2014 publication explores some of these primitive skills and tools that we can learn and integrate into our preparedness lifestyle.  It will be available for download and viewing for all subscribers shortly.  Premium Prepare Members have an early access view of the publication by logging-in to their membership area.

Click Here for more information

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1 Comment

  1. steve

    nice issue


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