LIVE Premium Member Webinar: Bushcraft Skills you need to Survive!

| Premium Membership Updates, Uncategorized | 4 comments

By Prepare Magazine

[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Lucida Sans” size=”20px” color=”#050505″ shadow=”none” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”bold” align=”center” spacing=”1px” lineheight=”120%”]What if you and your family had to live outside (bushcraft) for an indeterminate amount of time? Would you be ready?  Would you be skilled?   Would you survive?[/wpgfxm_headlines]

If you are a PREPARE Magazine Premium Member  you’ll want to mark your calendar and attend the next LIVE Member’s Webinar on October 17th at 8PM Eastern especially if you couldn’t answer ‘Yes’ to the above questions.  Even if you can give a confident affirmative answer – you may pick up some new ideas and hone your current set of skills by attending the next webinar.

We are honored that Jason Hunt, Th.D. ~ President & Founder of Frontier Christian University and Hunt Survival, Inc./ KY River Bushcraft has offered to lead this vitally informative Member’s Webinar and share the Top 10 Foundational Bushcraft Skills you need to Survive!

Jason has been a foundational Core Contributor to PREPARE Magazine since the first few digital issues in the Spring of 2012.  He founded Hunt Survival, Inc./ KY River Bushcraft as an wilderness ministry and adventure training center in order to train and equip believers for the difficult times that may be on the horizon.  In May 2013, KY River Bushcraft became the outdoor campus for Frontier Christian University, where Jason has served as President since 2001; Frontier University had previously been based in Southern Indiana.

Some of  Jason’s professional certifications include:
The Pathfinder School, LLC Instructor
Wilderness Survival Instructor (ISI, ICKMA)
Pathfinder Phase I & II
Pathfinder Blacksmithing
Firefighter (Active)
ICKMA Certified Firearms Instructor
Rifleman Qualified
EMT-Basic with Wilderness Upgrade (WEMT)
Search & Rescue Team Leader
ASHI BLS & First Aid Instructor

[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Impact” size=”25px” color=”#F59C02″ shadow=”yes” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”center” spacing=”normal” lineheight=”100%”]What will YOU  learn in this exclusive Webinar?[/wpgfxm_headlines]
[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Impact” size=”35px” color=”#63B021″ shadow=”yes” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”center” spacing=”normal” lineheight=”100%”]Top 10 Foundational Bushcraft Skills you need to Survive![/wpgfxm_headlines][wpgfxm_headlines font=”Impact” size=”25px” color=”#63B021″ shadow=”yes” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”center” spacing=”normal” lineheight=”100%”]Thursday, October 17th at 8:00 PM Eastern[/wpgfxm_headlines]

[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Impact” size=”20px” color=”#63B021″ shadow=”yes” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”normal” align=”left” spacing=”normal” lineheight=”100%”]Webinar Topics include:[/wpgfxm_headlines]

[wpgfxm_bullets bullet=”green-arrow”]

  • Making the Pre-plan
  • Survival Psychology
  • Understanding Fire
  • Building/Finding Shelter
  • Understanding Water
  • Outdoor Security
  • Procuring Food/Foraging
  • Tools to carry
  • Scrounging
  • Practicing No-FAK


Not only will you receive a downloadable hand-out that helps you with notes and suggestions to further the training, but Jason Hunt will also be taking your questions LIVE!

So you’ll want to click here and be sure you’re a…[wpgfxm_button title_color=”#030202″ size=”medium” color=”dark_blue” align=”center” new_window=”_blank” link=””] PREPARE PREMIUM Member [/wpgfxm_button]…and be sure you can Log-in to your Membership well in advance so that you can attend the event as it airs.  If you are having issues logging in you can either request your password again on the Log-in Page or contact  Commenting on this blog post is not the fastest way to receive assistance.

Remember – Webinar updates and info are available only to PREMIUM Members and under the flashing “ATTENTION” banner at the top right side of your Membership page!

[wpgfxm_headlines font=”Trebuchet MS” size=”40px” color=”#FFCC24″ shadow=”yes” decor=”none” style=”normal” weight=”bold” align=”center” spacing=”1px” lineheight=”120%”]SEE YOU THERE![/wpgfxm_headlines]

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  1. Gert de Swardt

    Good day,

    I’d love to join the webinar, but with the time difference here in South Africa I’d have to wake up 02:00 AM Friday morning 🙁
    Hope a recording of the webinar will be made available to members not able to attend

    • Prepare Magazine

      If you have a Premium Membership you can log in today and play the link now! Hand-outs are also available. It was loaded with helpful information! Thank you for your interest and support!

  2. Karin Swart

    Was not able to attend. Is there a way to get all this info in a downloadable format?
    thank you

    • Prepare Magazine

      If you are a Premium Member, Yes you have access to the recording and downloadable hand out. Simply log in and under the Webinar link it should be the most recent one.


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