“It’s a Disaster…” Giveaway & Book Review

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By Prepare Magazine

The Book: IT’S A DISASTER! …and what are YOU gonna do about it? (5th Edition) has been used in First Responder Training across the country!  How much better could your family be prepared than to have on hand the very same book that so many First Responders use?

FB, Tweet, Pin and Blog Image for Its a Disaster GiveawayThe book doesn’t read like a novel nor is it difficult to ‘get through.’  In fact, it lends itself to reading in short segments of time based upon your need, area of potential disaster or interest.  Even if you are in the midst of a crisis, the way this book is set up – it’s so easy to find what you need in just seconds that it is a far better field guide than most other emergency manuals we’ve reviewed.

From Family Emergencies to Business Preparedness or Natural Disasters to Man-Made Mayhem, the book: IT’S A DISASTER! …and what are YOU gonna do about it? (5th Edition) really does cover the widest base of events we’ve ever seen in one single book.

Not only does it cover the events – it gives you the wherewithal to handle living through them right while they are happening.  The step-by-step bullet points are easy to spot and follow thus they help you stay on track in the midst of chaos! It covers so many possible events in order to help you feel ready with almost endless contingency plans.

The authors also offer this as a Community Preparedness involvement incentive that can become fundraisers for a school, church group or community planners.  This outreach is unique in that the desire is to get these books in the hands of more grass-roots movements rather than hit a ‘best seller list’.  This shows the true heart of the authors – to help communities and people prepare for life’s emergencies. We applaud and stand with them in this effort!

As the author’s state on their website, the book: IT’S A DISASTER! …and what are YOU gonna do about it? (5th Edition) truly “helps families and businesses ‘be aware, be prepared, and have a plan’ for most types of emergencies and disasters (including Terrorism).  The 266-page paperback provides quick-reference instructional bullets in 2-color format. It is not written to alarm people, rather it suggests tips on what to think about and do before, during and after specific types of scenarios, as well as how to administer basic first aid.”

If you have not had the opportunity to get your hands on this valuable resource guide, we highly recommend that you do. We hope you’ll enter this Giveaway for your opportunity to win it and add it to your bug out bag, emergency bin or back pack!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Full Disclosure:  We recommend this book, otherwise we would not be affiliates. If you do not win one, please consider purchasing one of these books through the Amazon Ad below. Thank you!


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  1. Dean

    Oh I hope we win this. It would be great to keep a copy by the first aid kit

  2. S.Q.Whrill

    My therst for knowledge never is satisfied.

  3. Julie Waldron

    I’d like this for my husband.

  4. Amy Barker

    I found this giveaway just by going to this site. Fingers crossed!!!


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