Important News & Special “End-of-Year” Issue!

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By Prepare Magazine

We hope you had a wonderful Holiday.

It’s hard to believe that we are about to enter the final month of 2012.  As we are quickly moving toward a New Year we wanted to share some special updates for PREPARE Magazine – and also give you a status report on our anticipated hard-copy release.  There is a special announcement that will specifically benefit you – so be sure to read all the way through this email.

In this email, we share important information on:

… Next Issue Release

… Updates to your Subscription

… Campaign for our Official Launch (Hard-Copy Release)

It has been a very busy (and exciting) time for us and we want to share some of the things that have been happening.  We have been slightly overwhelmed with a steady flow of changes and preparations for our hard-copy publication.  We continue to work-out the bugs.  Please accept our apology as we have been remiss in keeping you fully updated on everything – as we have been inundated with new challenges that we were not anticipating.

But… we forge ahead because we STRONGLY believe in the mission and purpose of PREPARE Magazine.  We are encouraged by the support we have received from our subscribers and advertisers and are determined to make this magazine a world-class publication.  We hope you find value in our magazine and will help support us as we continue to build a stronger foundation to build on.


OUR NEXT ISSUE (Released Soon!)
We are currently working on the release of our next digital issue.  It will be the End-of-Year” issue of PREPARE Magazine and will have some very special features.  It should be available (and released in the new improved viewer format) by mid-December.   We will email you when it is ready for download and viewing.

In January, 2013, we are planning to Officially launch PREPARE Magazine, and release the hard-copy version of the magazine.  We’ve had quite a few requests for a print version, and we are looking forward to releasing it with our launch.  It has been quite an undertaking but we believe it will be well worth the effort.

We will give more details as we move closer to the launch, but here is a general description:

The hard-copy version will be a bi-monthly full-color publication that will be available by subscription (delivered by USPS).   The print publication will be a little larger than the monthly digital version (likely around 44 pages) and will contain unique articles and features.



We started PREPARE Magazine because of the importance we place on the mission during the times we are living.  We firmly believe there is a very special need for the encouragement and training we intend to offer through PREPARE Magazine.  We are determined to keep it going.We’ve been asked many times “why” we are giving away a free subscription to Founding members?.  The truth is, we wanted to offer the free subscription to help as many people as possible prepare for the days ahead.  We wanted to serve anyone who had the interest in preparedness, and offer a message of encouragement during difficult times.  Many years ago we felt “called” to prepare, and that call included helping others.

But… because of the costs associated with the thousands who have subscribed, and the expenses we will have with launching the print version, we have launched a fund-raising campaign to help raise needed funds toward the launch of PREPARE Magazine.

We intend for PREPARE Magazine to be a long-term relevant voice in the Preparedness Community.  To make that happen and to create a world-class publication, we need to raise funds.  To encourage people to join with us, we are giving away some really cool and valuable rewards.  Of course, we would love to have your help.  Please visit our campaign site and consider helping us if you are able.   We will be extremely grateful for any help you can offer.

Go to: or click the button below or visit the Campaign site:


As stated above, in January, 2013, we will be officially launching PREPARE Magazine.  As part of our launch we will be adding some excellent new Preparation training and resources for our Founding Subscribers (YOU).  For those who are/were unaware of what it means to be one of our Founding Subscribers, we’ll offer you a brief description:

Read More

Again, we want to thank you for joining with us and for being a special member of our Community.  We are very grateful for your participation and encourage you to share suggestions and ideas that you feel will help us improve especially as we move into the New Year – and the “official” Launch of PREPARE Magazine.

We look forward to sharing together soon!

Until then, we remain…

Yours in Service,

PREPARE Magazine
Encouraging, Empowering and Enriching Your Journey!


PS.  In case you missed it, here is the link for the most recent released digital issue in our new viewer format:

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