We are delighted to still have the ability to share a sample of this wonderful resource with you for free...but one person will WIN the entire print version of this book simply by entering this Sweepstake! - http://woobox.com/fg98my Time runs out as 2012 comes to a...
Important News & Special “End-of-Year” Issue!
We hope you had a wonderful Holiday. It's hard to believe that we are about to enter the final month of 2012. As we are quickly moving toward a New Year we wanted to share some special updates for PREPARE Magazine - and also give you a status report on our...
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To those who are Founding Subscribers, we want to first give a heart felt 'THANK YOU' for getting on board with your complimentary subscription while we are in our pre-launch phase! While this does take you on the journey of bugs and bumps it also brings you...
How to Connect in order to Prepare
For so long, the preparedness journey felt like one of isolation. Either due to paranoia, self-imposed design or the sheer misunderstanding of the journey or embarrassment, imposed isolation or choice - the means don't matter as much as the fact that it can be a...
August’s Issue – Focus on Alternative Health Options – is out in MOMENTS!
We are just MOMENTS away from sending the link to for this very important August Issue to all of our subscribers! This issue's focus is on Alternative Health Care Options. With Health Care an ever pressing hot topic in the political realm and the budgets of both...