Many people are considering the purchase of firearms as part of their preparedness planning. Whether you are looking to get a firearm for hunting or self-defense, purchasing a gun can raise many questions - especially if this is your first time in making a firearm...
Premium Membership Updates
It’s Time to Grow Your Preparation Organic Garden
During this time of year, many people begin to consider their gardening plans. Over the last few years, gardening has become more of an urgency. With the strong rise in food costs, shortages and diversity of healthy vegetables, and the elevated concerns over...
March Digital Publication
The March 2014 issue of PREPARE Magazine is currently being released. This is a stunning publication filled with excellent resources. The writings, trainings, and featured items in this issue are very timely and will provide the reader with great resources and help...
New Digital Publication is released
It's a brand New Year and a perfect time to evaluate and set new goals for the upcoming months. New plans, hopes and strategies are on the horizon. The beginning of the year is always a good time to assess what is working and what isn’t working in our preparedness...
PREPARE Magazine November Publication is released
The November edition of PREPARE Magazine has been released and is now available in the Premium Members area. Go to: For PREPARE monthly subscribers who have not registered as Premium Members, the...
LIVE Premium Member Webinar: Bushcraft Skills you need to Survive!
[wpgfxm_headlines font="Lucida Sans" size="20px" color="#050505" shadow="none" decor="none" style="normal" weight="bold" align="center" spacing="1px" lineheight="120%"]What if you and your family had to live outside (bushcraft) for an indeterminate amount of time?...
Prepare Your Health
The cold and flu season is upon us. It's a good time to prepare and pay special attention to preventions. For those of us who hate going to the doctor for every little cough and sneeze, we find ourselves seeking information from various books, internet resources, or...
Premium Member Webinar Thursday, Sept 19th at 8PM
Mark your calendars and plan to attend this exclusive meeting LIVE, ask the expert your questions and get your GIFT! Sign in with your PREPARE Member Log In and Password to gain access. Then click that flashing ATTENTION link to the left...there at the top of that...
September 19, 8PM Eastern Premium Member Webinar
Premium PREPARE Members, please mark your calendars and plan to join us with our Special Guest Jane Liebsch co-founder (with husband Bill) of FedHealth. She will be joining us on the September 19th Premium PREPARE Members LIVE Webinar. Janet will bring to light many...