A sign for the times. PREPARE. Notice – there is not a warning associated with that. Just prepare. For what? You may ask. For things to be atypical. We would reply. Hopeful but not typical.
We look forward to the days ahead with an actual sense of hope. Even though the hope may not be fixed on the typical status quot that historically it may have been in decades past, it is a sense of hope even of greater depth and satisfaction. The hope of a big bank accounts, luxury cars, stable jobs, a trustworthy representation within government and systems that work may be things of the past – but hope doesn’t have to become dim or grow smaller as we watch the ‘typical’ dim in our rear view mirror. Hope can be very different than what we thought it would be.
This may seem like an odd thing to be putting up on a blog. Especially a blog about preparedness. Isn’t preparedness a synonym for doomsday now days? Sadly it has been made to be connected, however, it is not an accurate assessment of what we prepare for. We prepare for hope. We prepare for sustainability. We prepare for a life more abundant and free through the difficulties rather than because of the circumstances. This is a very different way of looking at a brighter tomorrow.
Circumstantially there are many reasons to lose hope and have our emotions distracted by the negative. Reigning in our thoughts, taking them captive and focusing on what is true, noble, pure, lovely and hopeful can help us to circumvent what may appear to be chaotic circumstances around us.
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It is our hope that you will see the sign of our times as a call to hope. A call to prepare with hope. A future that is more community connected, self-sustaining and grounded in depth of character. These are things to hope for. These are things to aspire to. These are just some of the things to share with others in despair. Hope can be a sign for our times.
Speaking of signs – if/when you go to an expo or a gathering or a teaching event – here is a sign to look for and find us:
We are very greatful to BuildASign.com for working with us to create this sign. They were great to work with and use of their site was easy!
In the sea of dooms-dayers, fear-mongers and panic pushers, we hope to stand apart. Our plan was that this banner would help to depict hope not fear. The folks at BuildASign.com helps us create a simple yet clear message. There is no negative connotation in the word “PREPARE” at all. It is an action verb. A call to action. The attitude behind it – is up to you.
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