Ten (10) Good Reasons You Want PREPARE Magazine in Print

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By Prepare Magazine

True.  The digital version is free.  Having the free version does meet a core belief system of our Chief Visionary Officer, Joseph Miller:  “To reach as many people as possible with positive words of preparedness encouragement.”

But there are many more needs that are met via the bi-monthly, printed issues of PREPARE Magazine that the free version doesn’t fulfill.  Benefits of which you may not have been aware.

Here are ten (10) reasons you want PREPARE Magazine in print: 

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  • Print issues are not simply duplicates of the previous digital issues.
  • Print issues contain approximately 50% never before released articles.
  • Print issues can be referred to off line – EMP and grid-proof, cozy chair friendly and portable.
  • You can build a content rich library of resources written by authors on a similar journey as you who are willing to share their expertise.
  • You have a tangible resource to take on site while you to try the projects often shared in the magazine.
  • The advertisement is limited.  You’re not ‘sold to’ more frequently than you learn, unlike other publications.
  • A beautifully designed, full-color publication is a valuable sharing tool on your coffee table or or magazine rack.
  • The tactile proof to encourage others and combat the nay-Sayers. Showing that normal folks prepare and it’s not that scary or depressing.
  • You want to show your support for those who hope to support you.
  • Lastly, but importantly – You asked for a paper print publication, we listened and were able to meet your need.


One-Year Print Subscription (Mailed) of PREPARE Magazine

So if you thought the paper subscription was simply a printed re-run of the free digital version, think again!  You can see there is so much more to having this publication IN HAND!

If you’ve not yet subscribed there’s no time like the present.  You’ll get the most recently released issue (pictured to the left) mailed to you right away!

[wpgfxm_button title_color=”#FFFFFF” size=”medium” color=”dark_blue” align=”center” new_window=”_self” link=”http://preparemagazine.myshopify.com/collections/prepare-magazine-subscriptions/products/one-year-print-subscription-mailed-of-prepare-magazine”]SUBSCRIBE TODAY[/wpgfxm_button]

Plus these bonus reasons….

[wpgfxm_bullets bullet=”green-plus-sign”]

  • Save 28% for a limited time!
  • For a limited time also receive the inaugural print issue (May/June 2013) for download
  • Most recently released issue mailed to you immediately …while supplies last!


[wpgfxm_button title_color=”#FFFFFF” size=”medium” color=”dark_blue” align=”center” new_window=”_self” link=”http://preparemagazine.myshopify.com/collections/prepare-magazine-subscriptions/products/one-year-print-subscription-mailed-of-prepare-magazine”]SUBSCRIBE TODAY[/wpgfxm_button]

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