Meet Lynette Fry, another one of our valued Core Contributors!
To continue our introduction of such fine and helpful Core Contributors we must introduce you to Lynette Fry. Lynette first met Donna Miller at one of Donna’s ladies baking retreats. Little did the two know it, but they would have so much in common with their views of preparedness and more. Lynette has not only enjoyed preparing her own family but also sharing that journey to inspire others.
Lynette Frye is a freelance writer and speaker with a focus on preparedness. She the owner of where you can sign up for a bi-weekly Newsletter designed to encourage you regardless of your income or budgeting challenges. She enjoys her rural lifestyle, with her husband and dog, in the southeastern US.
She enjoys hosting her weekly talk radio program on Blog Talk Radio called Prepping On A Budget where each Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. eastern time you can tune in for your mid-week dose of preparedness encouragement! She also enjoys her long-running guest spot on ‘Your Preparation Station’ – both on Blog Talk Radio.
You can catch up with what’s going on as she shares her findings on her YouTube Channel – PreppingOnABudget and on Twitter –
Lynette’s passion is providing others with the necessary tools to move forward in their own preparedness journey and she accomplishes this with online and on-location workshops, an e-book, and personal coaching.
Lynette & her husband truly do walk the talk of preparedness!