
The Disney Measles Outbreak is a hot topic. It has been supposed that the measles were virtually eradicated in the USA a decade ago.  But there is more to this than meets the eye.

The CDC is “very concerned” about the potential for wide spread measles outbreak. A spokesman is quoted as encouraging for higher enforcement of vaccination regulations. This is of course linked the mickey_mose_by_betelgeux84-d37bsmgthe recent Disney Measles Outbreak.  In another article and video interview specifically related to the Disney Outbreak, the Orange County Health Officials identified 19 infected individuals (all of whom were at the theme parks within a certain time period). Of those 19, they identify that 8 were not vaccinated. If you do the math correctly, that means that 11 of the people who were infected were vaccinated.  That percentage rate of contraction is fairly high for being vaccinated against it.  It is important to learn more about the CDC’s stance, history and recommendations for measles vaccination.

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MeaslesWhat can be done if someone gets the measles? Well, contracting the measles may actually have a few side benefits.  Historically and via medical testing, many terminal and debilitating diseases may be prevented if measles, while managed, can run their course as suggested by Dr. Viera Scheibner, Principal Research Scientist (Retired) with a doctorate in Natural Sciences from Comenius University. There also may be other homeopathic options for prevention and treatment.

Now before it’s believed that I am taking sides, please note that officials have not yet (as of this writing) identified patient zero and thus verify if he or she were or were not immunized.  So the argument for or against being vaccinated is not my point.  No matter which side of the pro-vaccinate or anti-vaccinate argument I may fall on, there is not substantial evidence to even begin to form an opinion in the Disney Measles Outbreak case.  There is, however, a deeper underlying issue than a pro or anti vaccination argument.

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Beyond the actual outbreak what is further astounding is the volatile arguments between those who choose to vaccinate and those who choose not to vaccinate.  Coincide this argumentative attitude along with the ‘facts’ put in the spin cycle from either side and we have the deeper issue that tears a country apart than the resurgence of this childhood disease once though irradiated.

As a Nation, America must learn to deal with things that affect our health, well-being and future as a country or we will face a totalitarian regime under which none can flourish.  Homeopathic, Naturopathic, CDC and Medical Researchers should be encouraged to compare notes and become a cohesive team. These entities and more, must cast a broader net to find a more vast selection of options.

As a people, choosing to vaccinate, not to vaccinate or partially vaccinate; we too must work together, with respect. Respect for the freedom to choose, as well as consideration of others to protect them and ourselves if our freedom puts them in harms way. Enough with the fighting over who is right – read all the signs, all the research and find multiple options that will work. Then allow us all the freedom from which to choose.

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