With that, all PREPARE Magazine subscribers will receive Unlimited Premium Access to our archives of Expert Preparedness Training, Tips, & Guides in our Premium Membership Library…

PREPARE Publications
Monthly Preparinars
Video & Audio Trainings
How-to Guides & Reports

When we first launched PREPARE Magazine in early 2012, we were quite humbled with the response and tremendous support we received. We never imagined that we would grow to have tens-of-thousands of readers each month.
From our very first digital publication we received many, many requests to have access to previous publications. It became a bit overwhelming, so we decided to compile all past digital publications and offer access to the archive to those those who wanted. We added a huge collection of additional resources along with the past publications and launched the PREPARE Premium Membership.

PREPARE Premium Membership includes training resources from experts who have joined with us to offer important instruction, how-to guides, and preparedness lifestyle tips.
Each Month we add new resources for our members based on how long they have been a Premium Member. In other words, you membership grows each month with new materials and content.
Discounts and Coupons
Premium Member Forum
Affiliate Participation
Premium Support
What does your Premium Membership Cover?
If I become a Premium Member, will I have to pay extra for the Preparinars with the Experts?
I have a free digital subscription to PREPARE Magazine. Why would I need to get a Premium Membership?
If I am unable to attend a monthly Preparinar, will Premium Members have access to the recording?